New report out on Higher Education Associations’ cooperation!

The AGILE project aims to forge inclusive HE systems that will help all exiled students to better integrate their host HEIs. The different initiatives and programs must be adaptable and capable of dealing efficiently with emergency refugee crises such as the war in Ukraine. Hence, faced with an ever-challenging socio-political context, European HEIs need to be able to offer exiled students sustainable, multi-level and inclusive learning curricula if integration and social cohesion are to be attained.

In this report, we explore how different HEIs in AGILE partner countries work and interact with the voluntary sector in order to improve the integration of refugee students both inside and outside the university or HEI. Through these concrete examples we demonstrate the positive impact for integration of refugee students outside the campus and also the benefits for HEIs, students, refugee students and civil society.

We thank Linda Lawrance (University Bordeaux Montaigne) for writing this report.

We invite you to read and/or download this report by clicking on the following link: