Impact & Sustainability

WP5 addresses our second specific objective: “Use digital innovation, social participation and impact assessment to build strong academia-society cooperations for resilience and sustainability”.
WP5 will focus on the impact of refugee crises on European HE systems in order to learn from them and take measures to increase resilience of HEIs in Europe during refugee crises in the future.
WP5 aims to analyse European HEIs’ role in refugees’ inclusion efforts, focusing not only on the current Ukrainian refugees’ experience but also on previous actions of AGILE partner universities to support refugees. WP5 first activity will entail the collection of testimonials by Ukrainian HEIs aiming to outline ways to manage HE in crisis scenarios and rebuild post-war HEIs’ resilience.
As a consequence, we will produce reports on actions carried out by European universities to respond to refugee crises and to ease refugees’ entrance in the higher education system of the host country. Those seven reports will be translated in all AGILE partner languages.
Then, we will emphasise emergency management at HEIs, by producing guidelines on efficient measures to foster social inclusion of refugees in academia and society. We will also produce a sustainability plan based on WP3 interventions and WP4 experimentations, in order to assess the economic and social impact of these social action activities.
Then, we will organize a virtual event with members of the French network MEnS (Migrants dans l’Enseignement Supérieur) to discuss action taking to support refugees’ integration in European HE systems. Next, we will launch a policy brief translated in the seven partner languages on the results of the transition from refugee settlements to higher education in partner countries.
Finally, we will organise a two-day virtual Symposium where AGILE partners will engage in talks with invited experts to highlight the state of education resilience and refugees’ inclusion in Europe.