Kick-off meeting at the University Paris 8

From Tuesday 17th to Wednesday 18th January 2023, all the partners involved in the creation of the AGILE project gathered in the University Paris 8 and conducted fruitful meetings.

This meeting was the occasion for all the partners to concretely meet each other which is the key for a good communication and cooperation in a project.
During the working sessions, we focused on the upcoming activities of the WP2 (Landscape analysis of Higher Education support mechanisms for refugee students), the roundtables and the large-scale survey.
Moreover, it was also the occasion to set the basis for internal organisation, communication and dissemination strategy, and project management rules.

The project started on December 2022 and it will end in May 2025. In this period of time, the project management team will meet again twice, in June 2024 in Bordeaux (host : Université Bordeaux Montaigne) and in Mai 2025 in Thessaloniki (host : Web2Learn).