University Paris 8

The University Paris 8 is a Higher Education Institution and a research center in the fields of Humanities, Social Sciences, Arts, Computer Sciences and Economic Sciences. With over 30% of international students among its 22,000 ones, the University Paris 8 is actually the most international of French universities, which gave birth to the concept of “world university” that defines it today.
Credits : Service Création Audiovisuelle - Université Paris 8
Paris 8 is involved in the development of a better social responsibility and inclusiveness, and is particularly active towards disadvantaged or socially excluded groups.
The University is involved in the following projects and initiatives :
the welcoming of doctoral students and teachers/researchers at risk in their country as part of the National Emergency Assistance Program for the Reception of Scientists in Exile (PAUSE)
since November 2021, UP8 has been offering the PALSSE programme (Welcome Language and Knowledge Programme for Students in Exile), which targets mainly Afghan students.
The aim of this programme is to introduce the students to the French language and culture as a way, for a few hours per week, not to be relegated to the sole questions of survival. It is carried out by the Communication and French as Foreign Language department (COM-FLE). -
the University Diploma Passerelle, coordinated by COM-FLE, for the learning of French as Foreign Language by refugees since 2015
UP8 is member of the French network MEns - Réseau MEnS (le réseau des établissements engagés pour l’accueil et l’accompagnement des étudiants et chercheurs en exil) and actively participates in meetings by taking action in higher education resilience in refugee crises. Therefore, UP8 is a signatory of the "COMMUNIQUE LIÉ À LA GUERRE EN UKRAINE”.
Since November 2020, Paris 8 is also the lead partner of the European UniversityERUA – European Reform University Alliance which gathers 4 other reform universities in Europe : the New Bulgarian University (Bulgaria), the University of the Aegean (Greece), the Univerdad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), the Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), the SWPS University (Poland), the University of Macerata (Italy) and the Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder, Germany). The Roskilde University (Denmark) and the University of Konstanz (Germany) have the status of associated partners.
ERUA is a hub of creative spaces that builds awareness around the power of experimental approaches and a better understanding of the promises of diversity and inclusiveness following the idea of reformist universities. To address the challenges global citizens are facing today, ERUA is bringing together students and academics from all parts of Europe, from the top and bottom socio-economic deciles, from rural and urban settings, from local and global backgrounds. ERUA’s main objective is to shape a more just, open and inclusive society.
Paris 8 is the leader of the AGILE project and is responsible for the general management. Based on its former experiences in integrating refugees in higher education and on the creation of dedicated programmes, its academic and administrative staff will engage in most activities related to the analysis of the Higher education landscape in regards to refugees and in the implementation of new pathways for their integration in this landscape.
Anthippi Potolia, Claire Legriel and Léa Meunier are working together at UP8 on the AGILE project and they are part of the Project Management Team.
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