Implementation of interventations at European universities offering refugee education
WP3 addresses our first specific objective: “Foster and assess the integration of refugees in their professional and study life as well as in society through 3-level interventions”.
WP3 aims to test the ideas and findings generated in WP2 through a series of 3-level HE-driven interventions designed to promote social inclusion and participation of refugees in HE studies.
WP3 contributes to AGILE’s general objective which is to increase resilience of inclusive HE systems to address ongoing needs of refugees through social participation and recognition of skills in their learning pathways.
As AGILE partners, UP8, UBM and UH, are already active members of local and national initiatives supporting refugees’ integration through HE programmes (e.g. MEnS-Migrants dans l’Enseignement Supérieur, PAUSE etc.), we foresee a series of activities aimed to enrich current practices and introduce them to partner countries which are newcomers on the field. Firstly, we will produce a report outlining drivers and barriers in HE-regions’ cooperation on building refugee related programmes. We will then produce design guidelines to clarify the scope and means for each university intervention.
The subsequent three activities, A3-A4-A5, will regard the implementation of the interventions that will comprise educational and artistic workshops, refugee-organised exhibitions and the introduction of open badges and quality assessment tools to refugee students. After assessing the impact of these activities through two related reports, we will tackle the issue of refugees’ integration in HE via an analysis of current practices in order to assess the efficacy of the transition mechanisms in place.
Finally, A9 will be a transnational summer school in Bordeaux where HE refugee students and staff who participated in WP3 interventions will come together to share their experiences, while A10 will entail an online multiplier event to promote WP3 results.
- "Way to Silence" - a theatre performance with UP8 refugee students
- The AGILE project introduces open badges for skills’ recognition!
- AGILE Summer school: Expand your skills and be rewarded with a digital credential (open badge)!
- 17th to 21st June 2024: AGILE Summer School in University Bordeaux Montaigne
- Awards ceremony at UP8 for the competition "My 1st short story in French"
- 10th January 2025: restitution day at the University Paris 8 / 10 Janvier 2025 : journée de restitutions à l’université Paris 8