Katerina Zourou, Web2Learn

Katerina Zourou (f), PhD, is the Director of Web2Learn. Katerina is a recognised researcher in the area of technology-enhanced education, focusing on open and social learning in education. She has produced one scholar book (Palgrave/ MacMillan), three journal special issues and more than 30 peerreviewed papers at international journals and conference proceedings. She is regularly invited to give talks or to participate in expert panels (European Commission, EU Joint Research Centre, EACEA, Council of Europe, European and Asian Universities, etc.). Katerina has acted as an expert in two successful EACEA studies: 1) the EACEA study “The impact of ICT and new media on language learning”, a 2.5-year pan-European study carried out successfully after a call for tenders. 2) EACEA study “Successful Methods Used to Motivate European Citizens to Learn Languages”, a 2-year pan-European study, in which Katerina acted as an expert for Greece, Turkey, Sweden, Finland, and France. Katerina gives lectures at Master’s level at the University of Grenoble Alpes (France) and the Hellenic Open University (Greece). Personal page: http://web2learn.eu/who_we_are/katerina-zourou/