15th February 2024 - Webinar "Questioning the scholarly integration of refugee students beyond academia"

We are honored to have esteemed speakers, Professor Silvia Melo-Pfeifer, and Research Assistant Franziska Gerwers, University of Hamburg, who will share their insights and research findings. The discussion will be moderated by Kateryna Boichenko, PhD, researcher at Web2Learn, ensuring an engaging and informative session.

This webinar focuses on the academic and social challenges faced by refugee students in their integration beyond the academic sphere. It aims to provide a platform for discussing the roles and responsibilities of higher education institutions in supporting these students, also considering that their actions face some limitations. The discussion will revolve around understanding the complexities of self-reported refugee students’ experiences and exploring strategies for improving their integration into academic life and the society.

Who is it for?
This webinar is particularly aimed at educators, policy makers, and academic professionals who are involved in or interested in the integration of refugee students into higher education and society at large.
It is also relevant for researchers and practitioners working in the fields of migration, integration, and education, as well as for refugee students themselves who are seeking to navigate and improve their academic and social integration. By focusing on the challenges and strategies for supporting refugee students beyond academia, the webinar offers insights and practical approaches for a wide range of stakeholders committed to fostering inclusive educational environments.

Link to register to the event: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ucemrrj4pGd35epx0qACw---p3fyY3-OU#/registration